The following steps should be taken to begin the process of dividing retirement accounts per a Judgment of Divorce:
Please note that all personal information given will be kept under lock and key. No personal information will be shared with anyone other than the Plan Administrator, your lawyers, or our staff.
If your Judgment calls for a split of our fee with your ex-spouse, we will request the payment, but we will not take any steps to enforce the payment.
Divorce mediations can be scheduled by phone or e-mail to the above contact information
Mediations are conducted with the parties separated until settlement is reached
Mediation Summaries are encouraged but not required to be submitted
Fees are set at $200 per hour with a required three hour minimum payment prior to scheduling a mediation
Fees are typically equally divided between the parties and time in excess of three hours shall be paid at the conclusion of the mediation.
Send Documents and payment:
MooneyQdro PLC
Attention John G. Mooney
30800 Telegraph Rd. Suite 2720
Bingham Farms, MI 48025
Fax: 248-647-4283
Phone: 248-647-4280 (for credit card payments)